David's blog http://webpagedeveloper.me/blogs/david en Another duplicity backup script template http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/another-duplicity-backup-script-template <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p>After much deliberation, I've decided on a backup strategy. &nbsp;I will backup any given computer on a computer in my local network, or a USB hard drive. &nbsp;In addition to that I will give a hard drive to one of my friends for safe keeping and backup to that hard drive from time to time, when I visit him. &nbsp;It isn't an ideal backup solution for several reasons.</p><!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/another-duplicity-backup-script-template" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/another-duplicity-backup-script-template#comments backup bash duplicity gist git hub Sat, 15 Sep 2012 02:09:14 +0000 David 50 at http://webpagedeveloper.me How to create user with role when using Drupal's simpletest framework http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/how-create-user-role-when-using-drupals-simpletest-framework <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p>I was surprised to find out that Drupal's simpletest framework does not have a built in function to create a user with a role. &nbsp;After searching around the net I came across this blog post which helped me: <a href="http://mediatribe.net/en/node/49" title="http://mediatribe.net/en/node/49">http://mediatribe.net/en/node/49</a></p><!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/how-create-user-role-when-using-drupals-simpletest-framework" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/how-create-user-role-when-using-drupals-simpletest-framework#comments drupal drupal 7 simpletest Sat, 08 Sep 2012 17:15:44 +0000 David 49 at http://webpagedeveloper.me How to access websites with different IPs but the same URL on the same computer for web development purposes http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/how-access-websites-different-ips-same-url-same-computer-web-development-purposes <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p>In developing a complex site you may find yourself needing a production, development and <span data-scayt_word="localhost" data-scaytid="1">localhost</span> website in order to separate changes appropriately. &nbsp;If this is the case, you may also find yourself needing to use the exact same URL for each site. &nbsp;In order to access your sites you probably have been changing the hosts file over and over again to switch which site you would access. &nbsp;For example:</p><!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/how-access-websites-different-ips-same-url-same-computer-web-development-purposes" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/how-access-websites-different-ips-same-url-same-computer-web-development-purposes#comments development hosts proxy squid Wed, 14 Dec 2011 02:44:43 +0000 David 48 at http://webpagedeveloper.me How to run multiple Chrome profiles for website testing http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/how-run-multiple-chrome-profiles-website-testing <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p>For many web developers is may be helpful to run multiple instances of Chrome to test multiple user types at the same time without having to constantly login and logout. Here are examples of how to do this by launching Chrome from the command line.</p><p><strong>Ubuntu</strong></p> <pre>chromium-browser <span data-scayt_word="--user-data-dir" data-scaytid="1">--user-data-dir</span>=/home/$USER/.config/chromium-profile-test </pre> <p><strong>Mac OS X - Lion</strong></p><!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/how-run-multiple-chrome-profiles-website-testing" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/how-run-multiple-chrome-profiles-website-testing#comments bash chrome chromium linux macos profile testing ubuntu Mon, 05 Dec 2011 17:25:09 +0000 David 47 at http://webpagedeveloper.me Ubuntu 11.10 boot freezing at Checking Battery State because LightDM fails to load http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/ubuntu-1110-boot-freezing-checking-battery-state-because-lightdm-fails-load <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p>It is always a scary experience upgrading Ubuntu versions because it seems like about half of the time <span data-scayt_word="somethings" data-scaytid="12">somethings</span> goes wrong. &nbsp;(Although, to be fair, usually things are also fixed.) &nbsp;From my recent update from Ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10 my boot froze after the Checking Battery State [OK] status line.</p><!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/ubuntu-1110-boot-freezing-checking-battery-state-because-lightdm-fails-load" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/ubuntu-1110-boot-freezing-checking-battery-state-because-lightdm-fails-load#comments 11.10 lightdm Oneiric Ocelot ubuntu Mon, 17 Oct 2011 14:16:45 +0000 David 46 at http://webpagedeveloper.me Sending an email from the terminal using javascript http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/sending-email-terminal-using-javascript <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p>For those interested, this is how I went about sending an email from a <span data-scayt_word="javascript" data-scaytid="24">javascript</span> script. &nbsp;I used <span data-scayt_word="NodeJS" data-scaytid="26">NodeJS</span> to process the <span data-scayt_word="javascript" data-scaytid="25">javascript</span>. &nbsp;I used the mailer module (node_mailer) to send the email through SMTP. &nbsp;I used the <span data-scayt_word="SendGrid" data-scaytid="30">SendGrid</span> SMTP service.</p><!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/sending-email-terminal-using-javascript" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/sending-email-terminal-using-javascript#comments email javascript node nodejs Tue, 30 Aug 2011 19:49:41 +0000 David 45 at http://webpagedeveloper.me Quick tips on configuring a static IP wireless bridge http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/quick-tips-configuring-static-ip-wireless-bridge <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p>If you're like me then you don't like to run wires all over the house to connect your home network. &nbsp;It is often easier to simply use wireless throughout most of the home. &nbsp;That is, until you want to connect devices that don't have wireless capabilities. &nbsp;In my case, I have a desktop computer which does not have a wireless card. &nbsp;Instead of buying a wireless card for the desktop, I decided to configure an old access point to work as a wireless bridge instead.</p><!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/quick-tips-configuring-static-ip-wireless-bridge" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/quick-tips-configuring-static-ip-wireless-bridge#comments linux networking wireless Thu, 17 Mar 2011 18:29:04 +0000 David 42 at http://webpagedeveloper.me Fix for awful audio static while playing full screen video http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/fix-awful-audio-static-while-playing-full-screen-video <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p>If you have every had audio static while trying to listen to music or watch a video you know how incredibly distracting/annoying it can be. I struggled with this problem on my Windows Vista computer over a year ago. I thought, at the time, it was related to drivers because I had just done a windows update. Here is are just some of the things I tried that did NOT fix the problem:</p><!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/fix-awful-audio-static-while-playing-full-screen-video" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/fix-awful-audio-static-while-playing-full-screen-video#comments audio static windows Mon, 06 Dec 2010 19:26:24 +0000 David 41 at http://webpagedeveloper.me Resources for using Duplicity on Debian Lenny http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/resources-using-duplicity-debian-lenny <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p>For anyone interested in backing up their Debian&nbsp;server, <a href="http://duplicity.nongnu.org/">Duplicity</a> is an excellent&nbsp;solution. &nbsp;Of course, I cannot simply just say use Duplicity. &nbsp;As with most things there are several caveats and gotchas that will make Duplicity much more difficult to setup without the resources I'm sharing here.</p><!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/resources-using-duplicity-debian-lenny" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/resources-using-duplicity-debian-lenny#comments debian duplicity lenny Wed, 17 Nov 2010 04:15:22 +0000 David 40 at http://webpagedeveloper.me Installing uploadprogress on Debian Lenny http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/installing-uploadprogress-debian-lenny <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p>If you are running Drupal on Debian 5.0 Lenny then there is a good chance that you have notice the following status warning on your Drupal install.</p><p><img alt="Your server is capable of displaying file upload progress, but does not have the required libraries. It is recommended to install the PECL uploadprogress library (preferred) or to install APC." src="/sites/webpagedeveloper.me/files/pictures/uploadprogress-drupal-status.png" style="width: 891px; height: 87px; " /></p><!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/installing-uploadprogress-debian-lenny" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/installing-uploadprogress-debian-lenny#comments apache debian lenny uploadprogress Wed, 20 Oct 2010 13:04:36 +0000 David 39 at http://webpagedeveloper.me