Dave Parrish - javascript http://webpagedeveloper.me/taxonomy/term/14/0 en Sending an email from the terminal using javascript http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/sending-email-terminal-using-javascript <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p>For those interested, this is how I went about sending an email from a <span data-scayt_word="javascript" data-scaytid="24">javascript</span> script. &nbsp;I used <span data-scayt_word="NodeJS" data-scaytid="26">NodeJS</span> to process the <span data-scayt_word="javascript" data-scaytid="25">javascript</span>. &nbsp;I used the mailer module (node_mailer) to send the email through SMTP. &nbsp;I used the <span data-scayt_word="SendGrid" data-scaytid="30">SendGrid</span> SMTP service.</p><!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/sending-email-terminal-using-javascript" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/sending-email-terminal-using-javascript#comments email javascript node nodejs Tue, 30 Aug 2011 19:49:41 +0000 David 45 at http://webpagedeveloper.me Strange IE bug on the first load only; Caused by the "Optimize CSS files" setting http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/strange-ie-bug-first-load-only-caused-optimize-css-files-setting <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p>Most of the time turning on "Optimize CSS files" in the performace section of Drupal works great. But, for some reason, having this option turned on was causing the jquery.cycle plugin to break only on the very first load of Internet Explorer. What was happening was that the second image to transition in was being resized to about 50x50px when it should have been something like 900x300px.</p> <!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/strange-ie-bug-first-load-only-caused-optimize-css-files-setting" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/strange-ie-bug-first-load-only-caused-optimize-css-files-setting#comments css drupal javascript Sun, 25 Apr 2010 19:47:51 +0000 David 27 at http://webpagedeveloper.me