Dave Parrish - fake mail http://webpagedeveloper.me/taxonomy/term/18/0 en DevNullSMTP configuration in Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04 http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/devnullsmtp-configuration-ubuntu-910-and-1004 <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p>If you have ever wanted to see what emails were being sent from your Ubuntu computer but did not want the emails to actually be sent then you are probably looking for a type of fake mail program. The one that I like is DevNullSMTP. The only problem is that I could not get it to work without a installing sendmail and then disabling the deamon. These were the steps that I had to do.</p> <p>Steps:<br /> Install sendmail-bin "sudo apt-get install sendmail-bin"<br /> Turn off deamon using "sudo update-rc.d -f sendmail remove"<br /> Reboot computer</p> <!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/devnullsmtp-configuration-ubuntu-910-and-1004" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://webpagedeveloper.me/blog/devnullsmtp-configuration-ubuntu-910-and-1004#comments devnullsmtp fake mail sendmail ubuntu Tue, 04 May 2010 16:00:00 +0000 David 32 at http://webpagedeveloper.me