About & Contact updated
I finally had some time today to update the contact and about pages. I think they summurize my life at this moment pretty well.
I have also created a offline copy of the old website using HTTrack and added apache redirects to the old pages.
The reason for this is because I didn’t really want to maintain the old Drupal website anymore. It made more sense for me to simply have a static blog. Users are still welcome to contact me at my email or bitmessage if they want to comment on something that I have written. At some point I might ad disqus but at this point I don’t think it is necessary.
BTW, this project is completely open source, so if you want to see how I did anything then you can visit my project on github:
Note: At this point, the blog isn’t actually online, so this post is just for archive purposes. At some point I would like to add more in depth information about how I used hakyll, apache and httrack to create this blog.
Modified: June 11, 2013 - 01:31:11 PM